A mere two and a half hours of driving, but such varied scenery! This is what I found during an early morning drive to my rural hometown of Darkan…

My gateway from Perth to the country was the historic town of Jarrahdale, where I made a stop off at the most lovely little park. Jarrahdale is rich with history and old-time charm, and despite being so close to the fringe suburbs of Perth feels as though it should be nestled among the Wheatbelt bushland. This was my first time driving along this way, and I’m so glad I chose this route – Finding quaint towns like this is something that I love! I adore the small-town vibe, and visiting new ones to discover new sights and places is so much fun.
I highly recommend visiting little towns and checking out the local businesses there – You might be surprised what gems you find!

When I made my way out of Jarrahdale beyond homes and farmland, the road meandered among bushland… Australia truly has such a beautiful natural landscape! This large rocky outcrop was just off the road, and I just had to stop for a few quick snaps. I couldn’t help but draw comparisons between fabric and the winter moss and lichen – They looked as though they were mimicking lace and velvet!

The last stop on my journey – Home! I might live in Perth now, but Darkan will always be home… Whenever I go back there I stay at my favourite place in the world, my grandparents house. A place where I spent so much time as a kid! So many aspects of their home have stayed the same over the years, and whenever I visit it’s like stepping back into a carefree time in my past… My Grandad’s paintings on the wall, my Nan’s yummy homemade bread, and of course the comfy old chair in front of a roaring fireplace! So much nostaglia!
Along my journey I passed rolling hills of bright yellow canola, and just outside of town I stopped to snap a few photos in a paddock… An important detail to add, with permission from the farmers (thanks to the Goss family!). If you’d love some canola snaps of your own but don’t know any farmers to ask about using their paddock, you can always plan a road trip to the town of York. You can find a canola field at PetTeet Park there which has been designated for public display, so you can snap away without any risk to yourself or a farmers livelihood!

Dress: Dorte
Earrings: Made By Emily
Shoes: 2 Baia Vista (from ZOMP)
Eyewear: (vintage)