A do-it-yourself twist on this trend!
Glitter Roots Rainbow Hair Gel, Damed (available at tibbsandbones.com) Teen Spirit Shades – Sky Blue, Tibbs & Bones Checkered Denim Jacket, American Vintage (available at dollskill.com) Love Sick Reversible Tote, Gorman Dolly Sweater, UNIF Silk
BB Heart Sunglasses, h0les eyewear (available at dollskill.com) Fruit Sweater, UNIF (available at unifclothing.com) Rainbow Dream Septum Clip, Vidakush (available at dollskill.com) Poodle Tote, DI$COUNT UNIVERSE (available at discountuniverse.com.au) Black Pyramid Bag, Romy LDN
Backpack // Current Mood, Dolls Kill Top + Skirt // Minga London Shoes // UNIF (sold out) Glasses // h0les Eyewear Today the weather was hot one minute, cloudy the next… The perfect day to wear my new