There’s magic in the Aussie suburbs… If you stop to notice it!

Motherhood is totally transformative. Physically, mentally, spiritually… It changes you in ways you may not have anticipated. One of those ways for me has been in putting foot (and pram wheel) to pavement, and walking. Traversing streets I’d usually drive en route somewhere, only at a much more meandering pace.

Such a simple act opens up a whole new way of looking at your neighbourhood, revealing the magic in what seems so mundane through a car window!

On my walks with Millie we’ve explored patches of bushland nestled amongst houses that I’ve passed for years without a second look, and found hidden parks that I had no idea were tucked away up quiet streets. While walking through these nature-scapes, I can almost picture fairies or gumnut babies from a May Gibbs storybook flitting about beneath the leaves… They find their way into stories I narrate to Millie while we wander, as we continue to build the lore of our own little suburban fantasy world.

My little adventuring companion and I have spotted all sorts of critters on the go, flying, waddling, scurrying… Our Aussie animals are full of character, and slowing down to watch them go about their day brings an appreciation of their presence in our urban landscape. Through the lens of a wildlife watcher they become fellow locals, not just abstract sounds beyond the backyard! (Who knew that noisey corellas could be so cute and cheeky?!)

We’ve become acquainted with our streets and their quirks.

The locations of paving stones that kick up JUST a little too much for a pram to roll over with a sleeping baby on board.
Where to turn for secret alleyway shortcuts between houses if mum’s legs start getting weary.

Which houses are home to the greenest of thumbs, whose gardens are always a highlight of our walks.

Knowing your way around is one thing, but there are details that can only be learned from exploration. While walking we pretend to be intrepid adventurers, noting these landmarks on our mental map, unlocking more of our neighbourhood’s story as we go.

Getting to know our neighbourhood and it’s magic a whole lot better has been an unexpected joy of becoming a mum. It brings a richness to life at home that I didn’t have before, and a sense of community that was there all along waiting to be discovered… Perhaps the same is waiting for you to get out and find it, with a pram, a pet, or just your own two feet!

Happy travels 🙂